a) Travel Claims
- Travelling expenses for Officers, Directors and Staff of OAHS will be reimbursed upon submission of an authorized travel expense claim form.
- All travel claims must be submitted with all supporting receipts within 30 days of travel. Any claims not received by this office within 30 days will not be paid.
- Claims for hotel, parking, bus, rail, taxi, or airfares, must be supported by the original receipts. Accommodation allowance of $50.00 per night is allowed for use of a private residence.
- Incidental expenses such as tips and telephone will not be paid unless they are for OAHS business purposes only. An incidental amount of $14.00 per day is allowed without receipts.
- Meals will be reimbursed at the rate of $19.00 for breakfast; $19.00 for lunch; and $45.00 for supper. No receipts are required.
- Mileage will be paid at a rate of $ 0.52 per kilometre in northern Ontario and at a rate of $ 0.50 per kilometre in Southern Ontario. The value of the mileage claimed cannot exceed the cost of airfare and ground transportation associated with air travel for the same journey.
- Any dispute over payment of travel claims will be discussed with the OAHS Chief Executive Officer first and then will be referred to the OAHS Senior Executive Committee and then ultimately to the OAHS Board of Directors for discussion, should the matter not be satisfactorily resolved.
- For details, Officers, Directors and Staff of OAHS should refer to the OAHS Travel and Expense Policy.
b) Employment Expenses – OAHS Staff
A travel expense claim with the appropriate receipts must be kept for reimbursement of expenses and must be kept on file.
Approval Process – General Business Practice
Employee travel expense will be approved by the employee’s Division Manager or Managerial designate or Division Director, or Chief Executive Officer in his/her absence. Managers expense claims will be approved by Division Director, or the Chief Executive Officer or designate in his/her absence. Chief Executive Officer claims will be reviewed and approved by a member of the Management Committee.
Individual Division Managers will approve staff travel within Ontario. Approval for staff or Managerial travel outside the Province of Ontario must be obtained from the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer is to consult with the Board Chair for authorization to attend events outside of Canada.
No reimbursement for alcohol expense associated with travel or meal allowance will be provided.
Reimbursement for any expense that includes alcohol for a hospitality event must be pre-approved by the CEO or Senior Executive Committee.
The Board of Directors may establish specific policies for OAHS contracts as are necessary for the effective and efficient operation of those programmes or contracts.
Reimbursement for allowable expenses can be claimed and reimbursed only when the contract specifically provides for it.
Travel advances will be made available, upon request, to Board Members who require advances in order to attend meetings.
Each advance shall be reconciled by an Expense Claim presented before the conclusion of the meeting. The outstanding balance will be in the form of a cheque, and will be distributed immediately if possible; otherwise it will be mailed as soon as possible.