OAHS (Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services) is a non-profit housing provider with a focus on the Indigenous communities and individuals in rural and urban areas.

In 1992, consultations took place across the province with the grass-roots members of the off-reserve Indigenous Organizations to determine the need for affordable, adequate and suitable housing for low and moderate income Indigenous families and individuals.

A steering committee was formed consisting of Ministry of Housing personnel and two representatives each from the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres (OFIFC), the Ontario Aboriginal Housing Association now known as the Native Housing Providers of Ontario (NHPO), the Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) and the Ontario Metis Indigenous Association (OMAA). On September 1, 1994, the Ontario Aboriginal Housing Support Services Corporation was incorporated, with two representatives from each of the above organizations forming the Board of Directors. NHPO and OMAA have since withdrawn from the board, and the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) has joined.

We have numerous Rural locations across Ontario that offer a variety of accommodations from 1-bedroom to 3-bedroom single-family homes. We also have Urban housing that offers homes and apartments of various sizes across Ontario. These homes range from rent-geared-to-income, affordable, and market rent, depending on your source of income and need for additional support services.

Please note: Due to increased demand brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are experiencing lower than usual vacancy rates at this time. This could affect wait times for available housing options.   

To apply for housing through our Central Applicant Registry, you can fill out an application online. Any questions you may have regarding the application process can be answered by calling our toll-free number at 1-866-391-1061.

No. Each applicant must later provide detailed information and go through a detailed screening and application process.

OAHS will maintain or access a waiting list of eligible applicants for the rental of non-profit units. Applications will be drawn from the waiting list in chronological order but priority will be given to applicants that are experiencing one or more of the Mandatory Placement Criteria. If the waiting list fails to produce applicants that fall under the Mandatory Placement Criteria, OAHS will then place applicants into the units by chronological order.

Yes, we certainly consider need. We also prioritize families/persons escaping violence; people who are without housing to be without housing through no fault of their own; people with no alternative but to separate and seek living accommodations with other family members because of the lack of affordable housing; people currently living with hazardous, unsafe or inadequate facilities.

For most of our rental units, utilities are paid by the tenant. For some of our multi-unit properties, utilities are included in gross rents but there may be surcharges for ancillary equipment such as air conditioners. Please contact the Housing Serivces Department for details.

Each unit will have a stove and fridge.