- The by-laws of the Corporation allow for additional members in a number of classes.
- Les règlements administratifs de la Société permettent l’ajout d’autres membres dans un certain nombre de catégories.
- Newen Inaaknigewinan owi Maamiwichigewin bagidnigaade owi aanke waajii-ejig gmaaminig dnowaa ezhigaabiwijig.
- Ronanitiohkón:ni aoianerénhsera iorihwá:wi sénha niionkwè:take aiontià:taren né:ne nia’tekentióhkwake.
- Oohin li la laway ouschi ooma Corporation pakitinkawtayw poor kiyawpit nawut aen maambr awn dawn enn klaas.
- ᒪᓕᒐᕋᓛᖏᑦ ᑯᐊᐸᕇᓴᐅᑉ ᐱᔪᓐᓇᖅᑎᑦᓯᔪᑦ ᐃᓚᒋᐊᖅᑕᐅᒍᓐᓇᕐᓗᑎᑦ ᐃᓚᐅᔪᑦ ᖃᑦᓯᓐᓂᓕᕇᑦᑐᑦ ᐃᓚᐅᕕᒋᒍᓐᓇᖅᑕᖏᑦ.
Corporate offices are located as follows:
The Corporation operates within the guidelines of its legal contracts, current legislation and within the policy established by the Board of Directors. An external Auditor is appointed by the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting to perform a consolidated audit. The Board of Directors has implemented an Audit Committee to be the link between the external Auditor and the Board. The committee is made up of a minimum of two individual Directors from different representative Director Member Organizations as well as two qualified, independent members from the community. This audit is performed annually and presented to the Board of Directors for their acceptance. In addition, financial statements, budgets (as required) and financial projections are presented at each Board meeting.
Over the past number of years the conclusions of all consultations specific to the community and housing have expressed the need for community ownership and control of Indigenous housing. Allocation of funding specific to the off-Reserve Indigenous community and appropriate targeting of those units should involve the accountable Director Member Organizations.
The Board of Directors has been responsible for allocating units geographically within the province in the past and supports this type of consultation and allocation process. It has always been the desire of the Board to utilize existing expertise in the housing field with the understanding that assistance with capacity building in under serviced, high need areas of the province may be required.
Dealing with the existing housing stock is a priority. The Board strongly supports an Indigenous specific repair program to address the communities’ existing housing stock and Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services has since received and delivered funding under the Investment in Affordable Housing program to deliver a repair program to Indigenous off-Reserve homeowners. The wait list continues to grow to address this widespread need for safe and affordable housing.