Request for Proposals ~Year 6 ~ 2019/2020 Allocation
The FIMUR 2014/20 fund is intended to target gaps where significant demonstrated need has been identified, but provision of Aboriginal housing through previous programs has not taken place, or there is data to support a serious shortage. In addition, communities have been identified where Aboriginal renter households are identified with incomes at or below the 60th percentile that did not get FIMUR rental allocations.
To encourage economical use of all resources including land acquired or optioned during previous programs, additional units may be built on existing serviced land that is suitably zoned.
The Rental Housing component will increase the supply of rental housing for households on (or eligible to be on) the OAHS Central Applicant Registry (CAR) having a positive impact on social housing wait lists.
Launch Date: May 29, 2018
Deadline for Submission: July 30, 2018 at 4:00pm